117 research outputs found

    PatOMat - Versatile Framework for Pattern-Based Ontology Transformation

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    The purpose of the PatOMat transformation framework is to bridge between different modeling styles of web ontologies. We provide a formal model of pattern-based ontology transformation, explain its implementation in PatOMat, and manifest the flexibility of the framework on diverse use cases

    OLAP recommender: supporting navigation in OLAP cubes using association rule mining

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    The OLAP Recommender tool automates the multidimensional data exploration process and recommends potentially interesting views on the data to the user. It integrates two data analytics methods – OLAP visualisation and data mining, the latter being represented by GUHA association rule mining. Algo-rithms implemented in the tool include automated data discretization, setup of dimensions’ commensurability, automatic design of the data mining task based on the data structure, and mapping between the mined association rules and the corresponding OLAP visualisation. The system was tested with real retail data and with EU structural funds data. The experiments indicate that complemen-tary usage of association rule mining and OLAP analysis identifies relationships in the data with higher success rate than the isolated use of both techniques

    Les récits de voyage médiévaux originaires de Bohême : produits d’une société confessionnalisée ?

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    Cette étude analyse la question de l’identité confessionnelle dans la littérature de voyage au xve siècle en Bohême. Les clivages entre les différentes religions influencèrent ces textes et ceux-ci devinrent un medium pour commenter la question confessionnelle. Malgré la similarité des perceptions religieuses du monde entre les catholiques, les utraquistes et les membres de l’Unité des Frères (ainsi que de ceux dont l’identité confessionnelle n’est pas claire), les textes analysés reflètent des polémiques visant les autres groupes confessionnels.This paper analyses the question of confessional identity in the Fifteenth century Bohemian travel literature. The religious division influenced these texts and they became a medium for their authors to comment on this question. Despite the similar religious perception of the world among the Catholics, the Utraquists or the members of the Unity of Brethren (and those of unclear religious identity), the texts we analyse reflect the polemics aimed at the other religious communities

    Modelling Web Service Composition for Deductive Web Mining

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    Composition of simpler web services into custom applications is understood as promising technique for information requests in a heterogeneous and changing environment. This is also relevant for applications characterised as deductive web mining (DWM). We suggest to use problem-solving methods (PSMs) as templates for composed services. We developed a multi-dimensional, ontology-based framework, and a collection of PSMs, which enable to characterise DWM applications at an abstract level; we describe several existing applications in this framework. We show that the heterogeneity and unboundedness of the web demands for some modifications of the PSM paradigm used in the context of traditional artificial intelligence. Finally, as simple proof of concept, we simulate automated DWM service composition on a small collection of services, PSM-based templates, data objects and ontological knowledge, all implemented in Prolog

    An ontological investigation over human relations in linked data

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    The research presented in this article is motivated by the increasing importance of complex human relations in linked data, either extracted from social networks, or found in existing databases. The FOAF vocabulary, targeted in our research, plays a central role in those data, and is a model for lightweight ontologies largely used in linked data, such as the DBpedia ontology and schema-org. We provide an overview of FOAF and other approaches for describing human relations, followed by a detailed analysis and critique of the FOAF Relationship Vocabulary, the most important FOAF extension. We propose an explicit formal axiomatization of this vocabulary, and an ontological analysis concerning the properties used to describe human relationships. We analyze the distribution of human relations based on their epistemological status, and define an ontoepistemic meta-property as characteristic of some of these predicates. Our analysis is generalizable to semantic modeling of social networks. Additionally, the modeling patterns used in other relevant linked data vocabularies are analyzed for comparison

    Augmenting the Ontology Visualization Tool Recommender: Input Pre-Filling and Integration with the OOSP Ontological Benchmark Builder

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    ABSTRACT Ontology visualization is an important functionality for ontology users. Since many visualization methods have been proposed and implemented, it is not an easy task for an ontology user to select a proper ontology visualization tool based on the user's requirements. In order to recommend an ontology visualization tool, some requirements should be provided manually by the user. However, other requirements could be assessed automatically. This demo paper presents a partial automation of the pre-existing Ontology Visualization Tools Recommender input; the recommender knowledge base is also updated with three new ontology visualization tools. Further, we present an integration of the Ontology Visualization Tools Recommender into another web-based tool, Online Ontology Set Picker, where proper ontology visualization can assist in ontology benchmark construction

    Towards Budget Comparative Analysis: The Need for Fiscal Code Lists as Linked Data

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    ABSTRACT Code lists are a key part of budget datasets as they serve for the coding of fiscal concepts within them. However, the great diversity of classifications across countries and concepts does not allow to presume upon their actual value, as dimension properties. In this paper we discuss the need for creating code lists Linked Data for the classifications used in fiscal datasets, in three basic steps. First, code lists have to be extracted from fiscal datasets, especially if there are no relevant metadata in the budget description, which could easily identify them. Next, code lists from different datasets or sources have to be represented in the same way, with SKOS vocabulary, thus they can be linked with each other. Finally, linking of similar code lists will also allow the linking of the containing datasets, increasing their data analysis and knowledge extraction possibilities

    Focused categorization power of ontologies: General framework and study on simple existential concept expressions

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    When reusing existing ontologies for publishing a dataset in RDF (or developing a new ontology), preference may be given to those providing extensive subcategorization for important classes (denoted as focus classes). The subcategories may consist not only of named classes but also of compound class expressions. We define the notion of focused categorization power of a given ontology, with respect to a focus class and a concept expression language, as the (estimated) weighted count of the categories that can be built from the ontology’s signature, conform to the language, and are subsumed by the focus class. For the sake of tractable initial experiments we then formulate a restricted concept expression language based on existential restrictions, and heuristically map it to syntactic patterns over ontology axioms (so-called FCE patterns). The characteristics of the chosen concept expression language and associated FCE patterns are investigated using three different empirical sources derived from ontology collections: first, the concept expression pattern frequency in class definitions; second, the occurrence of FCE patterns in the Tbox of ontologies; and last, for class expressions generated from the Tbox of ontologies (through the FCE patterns); their ‘meaningfulness’ was assessed by different groups of users, yielding a ‘quality ordering’ of the concept expression patterns. The complementary analyses are then compared and summarized. To allow for further experimentation, a web-based prototype was also implemented, which covers the whole process of ontology reuse from keyword-based ontology search through the FCP computation to the selection of ontologies and their enrichment with new concepts built from compound expressions